Telecommunications engineering

In this seminar, the fundamental concepts of Digital Image and Video Processing will be introduced with hands on programming applications in Matlab. The concepts in processing one dimensional digital signals will be extended for multi-dimensional signals, i.e., images and videos. Participants will learn the basics of digital image processing, including; contrast enhancement, color spaces, noise and noise filtering, image sharpening, frequency domain processing, image degradation and restoration. Additionally, the seminar will cover optical flow estimation from video frames, a critical technique for analyzing and understanding motion in videos. Participants will gain hands-on experience implementing these techniques in Matlab and will be able to apply this knowledge to real-world image and video processing problems. This seminar is suitable for anyone with a basic understanding of Matlab and programming concepts who wants to gain a deeper understanding of Digital Image and Video processing.

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Dates En hora local del evento

May '23


14:30 Fecha de inicio

May '23


17:30 Fecha de fin


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