- Categorías:
- Análisis y programación
- Ingeniería medioambiental
- Física
Climathon is a global 24-hour climate change hackathon which will take place simultaneously in major cities around the world on 26 October 2018. This is the first time that we organise this challenge for the city of Madrid (and its surroundings). The official Website for our Climathon in Madrid is: https://climathon.climate-kic.org/madrid/
For this initial edition, we have decided to focus our challenge on increasing the understanding that we have about the interrelationships among different forms of pollution (air, water, light) and climate, and how they affect citizens, as well as other animals.
What can be done?
If you decide to come and work with us in this 24-hour event, you can bring in your own problem and datasets, or make use of those ones that we will be making available (please stay tuned to our challenge description pages, where we will be uploading links to relevant data sources).
Here you are some of the activities that we would like to explore with you:
How can we contribute to the design of the waste information platform in Madrid?
Can we provide better information about light pollution in Madrid?
Can we provide better visualisations and a better organisation of data about air quality in Madrid?
But we are happy to get your proposals as well.
Contribution to the design of the waste information platform in Madrid: in this challenge we will work towards providing an information model that may be used for the development of the Waste Information Platform in Madrid, which is one of the objectives of the city of Madrid under its second Open Government action plan.(https://climathon.climate-kic.org/en/challenges/waste-management/towards-the-waste-information-platform-for-madrid)
Information about light pollution in Madrid: in this challenge we will work on several activities related to generating a better understanding of light pollution in cities like Madrid, so that we can engage more people into fighting against it.(https://climathon.climate-kic.org/en/challenges/energy/fighting-against-light-pollution-in-madrid)
Visualization and better organisation of data about air quality in Madrid: in this challenge we will work with city officials from Madrid on how to organise and present better the data of the air (and weather) monitoring network that is being deployed in Madrid and will be operational before the end of 2018.(https://climathon.climate-kic.org/en/challenges/air-pollution/improving-the-data-generated-by-air-quality-sensors-in-madrid)