- Categorías:
- Control de calidad
- I+D
- Innovación
- Agua, energía y medioambiente
- Biotecnología
- Ingeniería medioambiental
- Calidad, I+D e innovación
A gentle introduction to statistical analysis with R
Actividad formativa especialmente dirigida a los estudiantes del Área Doctoral de Tecnologías Agro-Forestales y del Medio Ambiente.
PhD training activity specially aimed at students from the Agriculture, Forestry and Environment Doctoral Area.
4th - 5th - 6th June, 2024
Day 1
Getting started with R and RStudio
Graphical methods 1 with base R
Graphical methods 2 with base R
Graphical methods with ggplot
Day 2
Numerical Descriptive Measures
Writing functions in R
Generating random data and probability distributions
Day 3
Interval estimation
Hypothesis Testing 1
Hypothesis Testing 2
Assessing Goodness of Fit
Assessing the Association Between Variables
Working with tidyverse 1
Working with tidyverse 2
You will need your institutional email for the enrollment